
Add Widget

  1. Long press on your mobile home screen and select Widgets.
  2. Scroll through the alphabetical list and drag/drop the Flowx widget.
  3. Configure the widget and click Save button to finish:
  • select place using drop down dox.  Only places added in your app will be available for widgets.
  • select number of days.  Pro Version is required to get more than 7 days.
  • long press on graph and select either Select graph or Edit (Pro Version is required to edit graphs)
  • change widget theme by clicking settings menu cog in top right to go to app settings and select Widget Theme.

Resize widget

  1. Long press on the widget.
  2. Drag widget to required size using the drag dots. Additional graphs will be added to fill your widget size.

Edit Widget

  1. Click on the menu icon on the right side of the widget to edit configuration.
  2. Configure widget and click Save button to finish:
  • select place using drop down dox.  Only places added in your app will be available for widgets.
  • select number of days.  Pro Version is required to get more than 7 days.
  • long press on graph and select either Select graph, Move up/down (if widget contains multiple graphs) or Edit (Pro Version is required to edit graphs).
  • change widget theme by clicking settings menu cog in top right to go to app settings and select Widget Theme.

Widget Use

  1. Widget place and last data update time are shown on the right hand side of the widget.
  2. Click on the widget to open the Flowx app.